Step Outside of the Basket

Scrambling around for something new to delight your kids on Easter Morning? It may be time to put your basket aside and create some excitement with these alternatives to the traditional basket.
April Showers
What kids does not love an umbrella? Fill these colourful bubble umbrellas with springtime treats. Layer the base with a little Easter grass and add books, DVDs, kids gardening tools, Lego, a little candy and a few dollar store toys.
Pick a Theme
Every kid goes through stages. From Superheros to Barbie, Bubble Guppies to Shopkins there are times when our little ones just can’t get enough of a certain show, book or character. Easter is the perfect time to take advantage of a trend and wow them. This cute Shopkins basket incorporates a colourful tutu and matching hot pink accessories. Super sweet without a lot of candy.
Rainboots – Easter’s Answer to the Christmas Stocking
If you can fill a Christmas Stocking, you can fill a pair of little rubber boots to delight your bunnies on Easter morning. Stuff the toes with colourful socks and spring gloves. Add some silly sunglasses, a few treats, colouring books and pencils. After breakfast, be sure to take a walk outside looking out for springtime puddles.
Pool Party
Here’s a clever idea? Use a pool towel and googles to create a cute little summer bunny. Fill the rest of the towel with lip balm, sun screen, flip flops and a few Easter surprises.
Baker’s Delight
Older kids love to bake and create in the kitchen. This bright mixing bowl is filled baking supplies and equipment for hours of fun. Include different pastel cupcake liners, spatulas, measuring cups, an apron and boxed mixes to try. You never know, you may find an extra treat on your Easter dinner table.
Movie Night
Don’t forget the bigger kids. You can find these reusable popcorn containers at any dollar store or Walmart. Fill them with movie tickets, candy, popcorn and gift cards.
Mom in the Know has everything you need to get your Easter Weekend Hopping!