Beat the Winter Blahs with some Spring Flowers
What a lovely winter we are having this spring. If you are like me, you are waiting for the first signs of spring and likely have a bad case of the winter blahs. I have decided to take matters into my own hands this week and bring a little spring into my house. This cheery little flower patch is great fun to make with kids big and small. We are going to hang ours on the front door to remind spring…. It’s time.
You will need
Paper egg carton
Paint and brushes
Beads and sparkles
Glue gun and glue sticks
Empty cereal box
Green construction paper
1 . Cut the top off the egg carton and cut out the individual cups.
2. Cut down the side of each cup to make petals. Cut about 2/3 of the way down the sides in four spots.
3. Fold the sections down to make four petals.
4. Squeeze paint out onto a tray or plate.
5. Paint the flowers in bright Spring colours.
6. Heat up the glue gun.
7. Pool a little hot glue inside the flower and fill with beads and sparkles.
8. Create a base for the wreath / patch using the cereal box.
9. Trace this shape onto the green construction paper or paint it green.
10. Glue the flowers to the base once both are dry.
11. Make a hole in the top of the base and use sting or ribbon to make a hanger.
12. Hand your flower patch to remind Spring that it is time sprout.
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