Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. Here are more Valentines Crafts for You!
Valentine's Day is so much fun for kids and adults alike. Look at these simple, yet fun crafts I created on CTV Morning Live. Have a great idea of your own? Please share in comments below.
If you do not have time to get flowers, Tissue Paper Flowers is a great craft for the kids. Click on the photo for an easy how to.
Celery Stamped flowers Dip in paint and makes for a great picture or a single stamp for a card. Best part, healthy snack afterwards. Be sure to cut off the end ;)
Butterfly Candy Bags
All you need: clothespins,pipe cleaners, scissors, googly eyes, glue gun, paint, paintbrush, candy bags and candy!
One step easier: leave out the googly eyes and just use a marker to draw eyes and dots overtop painted clothspin. A Valentine treat sure to pleae.
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